When should you ACTUALLY install Runwise?

 People ask me all the all the time. When is the optimal time to install smart controls in their building to run their heating system more efficiently?  The biggest mistake I see operators make is they say, oh, in summer I'll wait until it gets really cold to install smart controls.

Or, towards the end of the winter, oh, I'll wait until next year to install smart controls.

This is a huge mistake. 

70% of your heating costs are wasted during the spring and fall 

The reason is that the vast majority of energy savings comes during the fringe months, where the average centrally heated building is wasting almost 70 percent of its heating energy. And the reason is a little counterintuitive. Most people would think that putting smart technology in to control the heating system more effectively would save the most energy when it's incredibly cold out.

The truth is buildings waste the most energy when the weather is actually changing rapidly.

Antiquated legacy controls only know one piece of information, and that's the current outdoor weather. And in fringe weather, when it's going to go from, let's say, 20 degrees in the morning to 50 degrees in the afternoon, these buildings become extremely overheated.

Smart Controls Like Runwise can cut heating bills 70% 

With smart controls, the building is going to use two pieces of information to much more efficiently control that heating system. First, it's going to look at the future weather. The control will notice that it's going to go from 20 degrees in the morning to 50 degrees in the afternoon and will proactively dial back the heating in advance.

The second is that smart controls will look at the indoor temperatures so that the moment the building becomes warm enough it will immediately turn down the heating system to save additional energy.

The combination of looking at where the weather is going and what the temperature is right now in the building can save almost 70 percent during the shoulder season.

When is the right time to install smart heating controls? NOW. 

And it's where most of the savings comes every single year. If you're considering installing smart controls, there's no better time than the spring and the fall to do it because you can capture that 70 percent of energy savings and pay for the entire smart heating control system in just a couple of months. 


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