How Water Bill Monitoring Caught A Big Leak In Real Time

  • Name: Victor Podpirka, Property Manager
  • Company: JRC Management
  • Types of Buildings: Multi-Family
  • Location: New York City

    The Problem

    Unchecked water leaks can lead to significant waste and high costs, especially when small issues go unreported. For Victor and JRC Management, tenants typically didn’t report minor leaks. In one case, a backyard hose requested by a tenant ended up leaking continuously due to a break, causing daily water usage to skyrocket. Without immediate visibility into water usage patterns, the building would have faced steep water bills and wasted a substantial amount of water.

    The Solution

    Using Runwise’s water leak detection system, which integrates with New York City's DEP water usage statistics, Victor was able to identify abnormal water consumption trends in real-time. The system alerted him to a sudden jump from 800 gallons to 3,000 gallons per day, indicating an issue. This enabled a prompt response, directing maintenance to address the broken hose and prevent further waste.

    The Results

    With Runwise, they no longer have to rely on tenants to report leaks, or wait for quarterly water billing to detect issues. The system’s real-time monitoring helped pinpoint the source of excess water usage, resulting in immediate savings. By leveraging Runwise, the management team saw a direct impact on cost savings and environmental sustainability.

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